What Advantages can Commercial Teak Furniture Deliver?

Teak furniture is heavily regarded for its look, it's comfort as well as its value. Teak wood has long been used in flooring and for solid wood furniture over many years because it is extremely durable and it produces a unique look for solid wood materials. 

Using teak wood in commercial furniture can lead to a number of huge benefits:

Durability: some teak furniture can be designed for lasting over decades and there are even antique pieces that still stand in beautiful condition. Authentic teak furniture can often be much stronger and much more useful than items like particleboard, it stands up to water, spills and more with ease. 

Extensively strong: teak is made from deciduous trees and rather than using softwood these items are often much heavier and designed with years of use in mind. When a commercial business purchases teak furniture they can enjoy a furniture piece that could potentially last them 100 years or more and with a quality that can be re-stained and refinished regularly to change the look. 

Great for outside use: teak furniture is great for outside use or even transition spaces because it resists decay and rot very well. This type of wood is often sought out for furniture because it has a huge resistance to acidic substances as well as alkaline substances. It's also great for resisting termites and other types of burrowing insects. Teak wood has its own natural oil content that can prevent termites from setting up shop inside. As an added bonus teakwood also works to greatly moderate heat making it fantastic for using outside use and inside use. 

If you are interested in learning more about commercial teak furniture or potentially ordering some for your own business/home contact Caluco today!


  1. They clearly see the racial tension and feel compelled to do something (hello advertising agencies). Even though it's completely devoid of sophistication (read pretense), they do their best job of getting their hearts across and selling a little furniture too. I suspect they know the attention a little race talk will bring to their furniture store.


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